Artificial Intellegence

So something doesn't look right?

You caught us. Red handed. Something on this site doesn't look quite right and you aren't sure what it is. Well, we'll just come right out and say it: we used AI to make some (ok most) of the images on this site. Let us explain.

We are brand new, even right now--the truck is still not quite done. But we are getting so close! We started using AI image generators to help us get an idea of what the food could look like. Some of the images were epic fails. Some were just this side of ok. We know you are going to love our food (and us) but we couldn't finish this site without images. And well, without a truck (see the previous sentence) it is hard to make the food.

We hope you'll forgive us for using these funky images. We really can't wait to take photos of our own awesome food and share them with you. In the meantime, enjoy the site and our funky food images. We are laughing at some of them too!